
Brand evolution – Mr Vélo

Monsieur Vélo: Brand refresh for a niche cycle business specialising in vintage restorations. Brief: provide a compelling, identifiable, more customer centric mark with broader scope and appeal for merchandising and brand growth.


Improve the visibility and grow the turnover of this successful small business primarily by designing creative assets and associated mark that strengthened and reflected the personality of the enterprise.


Social engagement,
Brand visibility
Product validation


Concept design
Concept execution
Client liaison




Elevate the creative visual narrative of a successful niche business to improve engagement, customer affiliation and merchandising marketing prospects.

This project was a super opportunity to support the growth of what was already a well rounded and positioned business that had a lot of untapped potential. Catering for a largely 30-55 male audience with disposable income, a passion for bikes and cycling nostalgia the aim was to build the brand visibility, loyalty and marketing potential of the business.

Project overview

Brand evolution for SBO

Mr bicycle scribble logo

Working quickly a number of favourable options were created with the potential to front the Monsieur vélo business.

Mr bicycle company marketing device

A number of the options were deemed strong enough to support the chosen mark across the growing range of clothing and merchandise to grow the off-line and online audience.

Merchandising options

Mr bicycle company marketing materials

Merchandising options for Monsieur vélo. Al designs and concepts JJWalker.

T-shirt design proposals

Mr bicycle company marketing materials extending the brand

T-shirt designs generated to accompany the branding and merchandising push.

Get In Touch

Work enquieries +34 615 187 540

Office hours:
Monday – Friday
9 am to 6 pm CET

Social media

EMAIL: [email protected]
INSTAGRAM: fishdehierro