
The art of business

The art of business—Japanese business card etiquette. Vistaprint social media engagement initiative. Proof of concept. Part of a series of animated posts promoting the value of the business card and how they are used in different cultures.


Create a series of fun, compelling and educational shorts to inform and entertain social media consumers/customers and provide a fresh look as to how the Business card is leveraged around the world. 


Social engagement,
Product visibility
Product validation


Concept design
Concept execution
Art direction




Tell a cultural story in just 12 seconds which has the product as the hero. 

I employed 3-D animation for this series of slick 10-12 second social media spots aimed primarily at engaging customers with a product (while still key to Vistaprint’s success) that needs periodic marketing refreshment.

The series leveraged diverse and interesting cultural perspectives on how business cards are used in networking scenarios and crossed the boundary into the digital application of QR codes and VR as well as the traditional high quality printed business card. 
Execution and initial concept (shown) by JJWalker.

Project overview

The art of business—Japanese business card etiquette.

Art of business. Japanese business card etiquette.Animation project

This concept put the business card product front and centre with the Japanese paper figures emerging from the card to act out a typical company meeting between individuals, where the exchange of business cards is a highly formalised ritual.

Inside Modo view of the creative concept

Angled view of the scene set-up in 3-D software Modo.

Proof of concept

Japanese business card etiquette. Proof of concept. Creative and execution in Modo by JJWalker.

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